The next backpack is close.īackpack 2: Under small table in a lightly guarded cabin. You may be on foot at this point, but that’s okay. Drop supplies at the door.īackpack 1: Shoot your way into the cave and grapple swing across the hole to reach the backpack. Note there’s a jet ski at the bottom of the falls.īackpack 2: On roof of shack, amid a ton of attacking soldiers.ĭrop Off: Stay on foot (or fly) and run up the slope behind the building, shooting your way through Min’s troops as you go.

Fly to quest marker, fight off pack of wolves, and pick your way carefully down rocks. No enemies, though.īackpack 1: Halfway down the waterfall. Watch for reinforcements pulling up as you leave.ĭrop Off: Easy to reach with a buzzer, but tougher if you stick to the roads (watch for a grapple up around x:471 y:536). Gap in rear fence makes access easier.īackpack 2: In extreme dead end of cave at x:500 y:537, protected by soldiers including a heavy. But be ready to fight afterward in case they followed you.īackpack 1: On shelves in back room of building defended by ten soldiers. You’ll appreciate it later.īackpack 2: On ground amid crates and explosive barrel-and guarded by soldiers.ĭrop Off: Fly right over the top of Min’s troops to reach the cave door. This location will be under attack from dholes, soldiers, or both-and possibly an eagle. Either way, watch for the pit viper by the door.īackpack 1: Inside tent. If you take the interior roads up the mountain, you’ll have to drop down to reach the cave. Switch to hovercraft if desired.ĭrop Off: If you take the coastal road north, stop just before the bridge to find a climbable ledge hidden behind a tree (there may be a technical of Min’s troops there as well), then climb the vines, leap across the river, and climb grapple to reach the cave. Shack will have two guards and two more will arrive via RHIB shortly. Be ready to fight Min’s troops, a tiger, or both.īackpack 2: On floor of shack near stove. Watch for wolf.ĭrop Off: Skim west along the edge of the cliffs and drop the backpacks at the not-at-all-suspicious door in the mountain.īackpack 1: Inside tent. The locations of the backpacks are as follows:īackpack 2: Behind house. Hop on your ride of choice and drive to the first checkpoint while Gopal explains the quest over the radio.